施乐AltaLink C8030英文维修手册美版机器
施乐AltaLink C8030英文维修手册美版机器Detailed Maintenance Activities (CRU/HFSI)
1.Clean the ADC Sensor and LPH lenses on every call.
2.Refer to the dC135 CRU/HFSI listing viewed during Initial Actions.
The dC135 CRU/HFSI listing includes several items that do not require maintenance. Disregard any items not listed in Table 1.
The CRU/HFSI listing in dC135 may list items in accessories that require maintenance, but that are not listed in Table 1. Refer to the service documentation for the accessories for more information.
3.Perform the Service Actions in Table 1 for any High Frequency Service Item (HFSI) counters that are over threshold or approaching the threshold. Using the customer's output volume numbers (high, medium, or low volume), evaluate which CRU/HFSI actions should be performed now to avoid an additional service call in the near future.
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