HP/惠普 M104 M106 M132 M134 激光打印机英文维修手册+拆机手册
HP/惠普 M104 M106 M132 M134 激光打印机英文维修手册+拆机手册语言:英文维修手册+英文拆机手册格式:PDFEngine laser scanner systemThe DC controller receives instructions from the formatter in order to control the laser scanner system.The DC controller signals the lasers to emit light, and the laser beams pass through lenses and onto the scanner mirror, which rotates at a constant speed. The mirror reflects the beam onto the photosensitive drum inside of the toner cartridge in the pattern required for the image, exposing the su**ce of the drum so that it can receive toner.The main components of the laser scanner system, which are controlled by the VIDEO signals sent from the DC controller, are:● Laser assembly● Scanner motor assembly● Beam detect (BD) sensor● Scanner mirrorFigure 1-8 Laser scanner system**** Hidden Message ***** HP/惠普 M104 M106 M132 M134 激光打印机英文维修手册+ 谢谢下载来看看 很需要这样的 谢谢下载来看看 很需要 1111111111111111 谢谢分享
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