施乐Phaser® 7500彩色激光打印机维修手册故障排错拆装图解维修手册
Phaser® 7500手册格式:pdf手册语言:英文手册页数:992文档大小:85M
Consumable consist of 4 Toner Cartridges used in the printer.
Each Toner Cartridge has a CRUM (Customer Replaceable Unit Meter) to record new or used cartridge and usage information and identifies the type of Toner Cartridge (Standard or High capacity).
The CRUM contains a company ID, Region ID, and Xerox company name. A CRUM counts the amount of remaining toner. When toner empty is detected, Life End status will be sent to indicate toner empty.
Internal counters track Consumables and Maintenance Items life usage.
Life ratings are based on A-size sheets at 5% coverage.
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