The temperature change of the heat roller’s surface is changed to the resistance value through the use of a thermistor.
The Main Board uses the resistance value of the Thermistor and converts it to a voltage value through the use of an AD
converter, the temperature is decided based on the voltage value read. The AC power is controlled by comparing the target
temperature to the value from the thermistor. If the value from the thermistor is out of controlling range while controlling the
fusing, the error stated in the below table occurs.
• Open Heat Error
When the engine operates the warm-up process, if the temperature of the fixing unit is not higher than a specified
temperature, the engine defines Open Heat Error. When this error is detected, the engine stops all functions and keeps
the error state. Also, the engine informs the error status of the main system, so it can take appropriate action; and then
the error message is displayed at LCD window or LED informing the error status of the user.
• Low Heat Error
When the engine is at stand-by, printing or warm-up mode, if the temperature of the fixing unit is lower than the
specified temperature at each state and the lower temperature state is maintained during the specified time, the engine
defines Low Heat Error. When this error is detected, the engine stops all functions and keeps it at the error state. Also,
the engine informs the error status of the main system, so it can take appropriate action; and then the error message
is displayed at LCD window or LED informing the error status of the user.
• Over Heat Error
For overall engine state, if the temperature of the fixing unit is higher than the specified temperature and the temperature state is detected for a specific duration, then the engine defines Over Heat Error. When this error is detected, the engine stops all functions and keeps it at the error state. Also, the engine informs the error status of the main system, so it can take appropriate action; and then the error message is displayed at LCD window or LED informing the errorstatus of the user.