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[惠普/三星] 帮助处理 HP 打印机文件//help with files for hp

发表于 2024-4-1 02:28:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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could anyone help me with getting these files
ftp tst.hp.com.cn -/techsupportshare/HP Printing & Imaging Product Library/4.Product Repair Tips
Surgery&SRS/Galileo Tools/Android Mobile VersionGalileo Tools/M126&M128 Series/

Refresh file location: – ftp.hpicss.com - /Laser Printer/Consumer Laser Printer/B&W/M104&M106&M132&M134/Motherboard Flash File/

Principle Description: – The spare parts used for maintenance do not contain product model information, and need to be written according to the actual model of the printer – Download path: tst.hp.com.cn -/techsupportshare/HP Printing Imaging Product Library/4.Product Maintenance Technology&SRS/Firmware and Tool Software/Black & White Laser Firmware

Website: tst.hp.com.cn -/techsupportshare/HP Printing & Imaging Product Library/4.Product Repair Technology&SRS/Galileo Tools/Android Mobile Galileo Tools/M126&M128 Series
also if there is any files for hp m283 m428 for the files.
if there is any change for it to be all uploaded with screenshots to pan.baidu.com

thank you so much.


ftp tst.Hp.Com.Cn -/techsupportshare/HP liè yìn chéngxiàng chǎnpǐn zīliào kù/4。 禅品wéxiūjì
shù&SRS/jiālìlüè gōngjù/anzhuō shǒujī bǎn jiālìlüè gōngjù/M126&M128 xìliè/

刷新文件位置: – Ftp.Hpicss.Com - /Laser Printer/Consumer Laser Printer/B&W/M104&M106&M132&M134/Motherboard Flash File/

  yuánlǐ shuōmíng:– Wéixiū shǐyòng de bèi jiàn bù bāohán chǎnpǐn xínghào xìnxī, xūyào gēnjù dǎyìnjī shíjì xínghào xiě rù– xiàzài lùjìng:Tst.Hp.Com.Cn -/techsupportshare/HP dǎyìn chéngxiàng chǎnpǐn zīliào kù/4. Chǎnpǐn wéixiū jìshù&SRS/rèn tǐ hé gōngjù ruǎntǐ/hēibái léi shè gujiàn

wǎngzhǐ:Tst.Hp.Com.Cn -/techsupportshare/HP liè yìn yǐngxiàng chǎnpǐn zīliào kù/4。 Chǎnpǐn wéixiū jìshù&SRS/jiālìlüè gōngjù/anzhuō shǒujī bǎn jiālìlüè gōngjù/M126&M128 xìliè
另外,是否有 hp m283 m428 的任何文件。

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