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Print-Quality Problems Overview Print-quality defects can be attributed to printer components, consumables, paper, internal software, external software applications, and environmental conditions. To successfully troubleshoot printquality problems, eliminate as many variables as possible. The first step is to generate prints using information pages embedded in the printer on laser paper from the Recommended Media List (RML). Refer to Paper and Tray Specifications on page 1-35 for supported and specialty paper that have been tested and approved for use in the Phaser 7100 printer. Use paper from a fresh ream that is acclimated to room temperature and humidity. If the print-quality defect is still present when printing on approved paper from an unopened ream of paper, then investigate software applications and environmental conditions. Determine the temperature and humidity under which the printer is operating. Compare this to the Environmental Specifications on page 1-33. Extreme temperature and humidity can adversely affect the xerographic and fusing characteristics of the printer. When analyzing a print-quality defect, first determine if the defect occurs in all colors or only one color and if it is repeating or random occurrence. Continuous defects in the process direction, such as Voids and Lines, are the most difficult to diagnose. Inspect the visible su**ces of all Rollers for obvious defect. If no defects are found, replace the Toner Cartridge, Imaging Unit, Fuser Unit, Transfer Roller (2nd BTR), Transfer Belt, and Laser Unit one at a time until the defect is eliminated. Defects Associated with Specific Printer Components Some print-quality problems can be associated with specific assemblies. Refer to the specific printquality troubleshooting procedure for detail information.
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